Learn Solar is an initiative by Guangdong SAKO New Energy CO.,LTD. for those who want to learn more about residential solar systems.
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It is useful for those either willing to install or sell solar systems in a residential home. This solar training program also helps people working in solar, but they are not technically sound.
About The programme
This is a detailed learn program where each and every aspect of the solar industry or solar system like – what are the benefits of solar system, what type of solar system will be installed in rural areas or urban areas, how electricity bill will reduce by installing solar panels will be taught.Objective – To help people to learn about solarTarget audience –Home Owners, Trade Partners, Product Manufacturers, Students, ResearchersYou can join us at every Friday afternoon 4 – 5 FM through video conferencing.
English Audience: 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.
Session-03: SUNPOLO- Solar Power System
Download the session presentation, click here to download.
Steps to Join:
1. Visit Learn Solar Page on Loom Solar website.
2. Click on Join with Google Meet link.
3. Join before 15 minutes from the Learning Session.
4. When the learning session starts, you must mute your audio, so you can hear very clearly. In case of any query, you can ask through Chat.
5. You should have earphones, so you can communicate with our experts.
6. Question Answer Session will start after presentation scheduled at 10:30 am.
7. Rotate Mobile Screen to view full screen
8. Don’t Click on Present ButtonPlease note.Learn Solar is in actual a solar training program which is offered in free by Loom Solar while other government and private organizations such as NISE – National institute of Solar Energy offers paid Solar Training program.